Monday, January 18, 2010

Busy Bee

I'm working on building my Etsy shop and trying hard to be dedicated to listing frequently, networking with other Etsy buyers/sellers and really finding the products and styles that sell. Any ideas would be fabulous.
Well, Ideas per se are not the biggest hurdle for me. I have lots of ideas for new designs and styles and projects... My difficulty is in following through with all my fabulous ideas and making them feasible options for my store.
I want to do quite a bit with infant/toddler clothing and accessories as well as crochet delights and ladies fashion. It's hard to hone my ideas into one mold. I have also done a bit of business with a friend in her shop specializing in fur hand muffs and fur wraps for weddings or special occasions.
As I meander through my thoughts via media I feel like I'm coming to the conclusion of keeping the crochet and random sewing projects as fun bonus items for the shop and specializing in infant/toddler clothing and accesories. I have also been handed the reins of the girls hair bows shop just for fun. I'm gonna list what I've got made already for that and slowly build up my inventory.

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